My brother created a new Kelate chess community site, where members can interact with each other, posting news, pictures and also chat. I mentioned in my previous post about the demise of Kelate Chess network created by Nasero at ning.com, and I am glad that my brother has taken the initiative to revive the network, albeit using other address. Even though the address is quite long, you can bookmark it at your browser for easier access. I sure hope that all Kelantan players gather here, and I will try my best to advertise this website to all members.
You can access the network here.
You can access the network here.
Salam...Nama M.Azani Che Kob tercicir dari senarai Pemaian K'tan Rated
Salam...Nama M.Azani Che Kob tercicir dari senarai K'Tan National rated player.... harap boleh update...Tq
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